Director of Special Education
(508) 581-1615
Email Jessica Burque
Special Education

Jessica Burque

Julie Mitchell
Administrative Assistant
(508) 581-1600, x1121
Email Julie Mitchell
In accordance with state and federal regulations, the Sutton Public Schools will destroy the special education (IEP) and 504 student records for any student that left the district prior to June 30, 2017. This is in accordance with Massachusetts Student Records Regulation which states that school districts are required to destroy such records after a period of seven years.
If a student would like their records, they may request them before August 27, 2024 by written request to Julie Mitchell, Special Education Office, Sutton Public Schools. 409 Boston Road, or by email at Please note that this does not apply to student transcripts (record of grades) which shall be retained for 60 years after the student leaves the school. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call 508-581-1615.
Mission Statement
Sutton Public Schools' Special Education Department supports the mission of the district:
The Sutton Public School District is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of teaching and learning. Our mission is to educate students in a safe, supportive, and challenging environment, to realize their maximum potential. In partnership with parents and the community, we will foster in students the behavior and skills essential to lead productive, fulfilling, successful lives in an academic society.
Furthermore, it is the mission of the Sutton Public Schools' Special Education Department to recognize that every student can learn with the right supports and will benefit from a diverse student body.
Sutton Public Schools' Special Education Department supports those students identified with special needs through the development and maintenance of practices to provide access to the curriculum while maintaining a variety of inclusionary practices. Sutton Public Schools' Special Education Department embraces the words and philosophy of Harvard Professor, Thomas Hehir (quoted below). This mission is achieved with the support and collaboration of the administration, faculty, staff, students, parents and the community.
"The role of special education should be to minimize the impact of the disability and maximize the opportunity for children with disabilities to participate in general education in their natural community."
Professor Thomas Hehir
Harvard University