In accordance with the laws of the State of Massachusetts, NO CHILD WILL BE ADMITTED TO SCHOOL WITHOUT PROOF OF FULL IMMUNIZATION. You must make this information available before the first day of school. State laws require us to exclude children from school without proper documentation of full immunization. Exceptions to this are medical exemptions certified by a physician or a statement of religious objection by the parent.
Students entering the 7th grade need to show proof of the following immunizations:
MMR- 2 doses
Hepatitis B- 3 doses
Varicella- 2 doses
TDAP- 1 dose
MenACWY (meningococcal)- 1st dose Grade 7-8 ; 2nd dose Grade 11-12
Also, a recent copy of a physical exam is required.
Postural screening will taken place in 6th through 9th grade.
Hearing / vision / height and weight screenings will take place in 7th and 10th grade.
Verbal screening for substance use started during 2017-2018 academic year, the 7th and 9th grade class will be screened using the CRAFFT-II tool.
If you prefer that you child does not participte in the screening/screenings please send a letter to the health office.