

Tiffany Clyne

Tiffany Clyne

School Counselor, Grades 3-5
(508) 581-1620, ext. 1120
Send Tiffany Cline an Email

Hello Sutton Elementary School Families! My name is Tiffany Clyne and I am your child's School Counselor!  I am so excited to be here. I am new(ish) to New England and am a transplant from the West Coast.  My husband and I have 5 amazing kiddos, 4 snuggly kitties, 1 adorable pup, and a super friendly bearded dragon.  Our house is never dull! 

The role of the School Counselor can be a mystery to parents, administrators, teachers and students at times.  The American School Counselors Association has worked for decades on defining and redefining the role to meet the ever evolving needs of our school communities.  Below is the Association’s current description; click on the Why Elementary School Counselors? section for elementary school specific information.

In addition to that general description, please see the following as a beginning list of more specific services I will provide here at Sutton.

  • School Counselor will provide short term, solution focused counseling to small groups and individuals. This service will be provided virtually as often as possible; need for in-person counseling will be determined jointly by counselor, teacher, parent, and any other relevant staff

  • The SES School Counselor will implement research based developmental guidance curriculum once a month

  • Guidance class topics included but not limited to: coping strategies, emotional identification, anxiety reduction strategies, study skills and habits of mind, conflict resolution, friendship and social skills, diversity, and inclusion education, goal setting, career exploration, mindfulness, health and wellness, etc.

  • School Counselor will consult with teachers as needed on topics related to child development, child psychology, behavior management and modification, trauma informed classrooms, and more

  • School Counselor will consult with parents as needed on topics related to child development, discipline and behavior management, parenting, and more

  • School Counselor will work on student support teams: specifically, DCAP, 504 and IEP teams to develop plans for students who are struggling to succeed with Tier One interventions and supports alone

  • School Counselor will act as designated leader for 504 Plan Committee grades 3-5

  • School Counselor will refer students and families to outside therapists when appropriate

  • School Counselor will case manage certain students’ support plans (DCAP or 504) to ensure strong home to school communication

  • School Counselors will consult regularly with specialists such as BCBA, School Psychologist, Principal, School Nurse to implement our Social and Emotional Learning

  • School Counselor will provide IEP services when determined appropriate by IEP team

  • School Counselor will act as liaison between SES and Department of Children and Families

  • Lots more!